Data Science


I support you on the journey from data to added value.

Project support and execution | Workshops | Trainings


Project Support and Execution

As a freelancer I support you in data project. From simple data analytics, software development in python, up to complex algorithms in artificial intelligence.

How can I forecast time series? What are the best methods? How can I prepare my data for forecasting? All those questions will be answered in the webinar.

Data Hackathon

2 intensive days of data science with your data and your problems. This will give you first insights or a first prototype. After those two days you will know how to go ahead with your data strategy.


M.Sc. Mathematics

Studies in Germany | Spain | USA

Big Data Consultant

Consulting Experience in Big Data

Research Data Scientist at Fraunhofer

Research and Development in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

Lecturer for Informatics at Studienkolleg of University Kassel

Basics in Informatics



Talks & Publications

Privacy Preserving Machine Learning

ML Conference Berlin 2019
Global AI Bootcamp München 2019

Getting Started with Deep Reinforcement Learning

JOTB Konferenz Marbella 2019

Transfer Learning und Meta Learning in Deep Neural Networks

data2day in Heidelberg 2018
